We salute the Army crew that named their tank ‘Baby Yoda’


Baby Yoda is the diminutive king of the Internet, so it was only a matter of time before some enterprising tank crew offered up their tank to him as tribute.

The photo, taken last week and gleefully shared by the official U.S. Army Twitter account on Thursday, shows a pair of M1 Abrams tanks assigned to the 3rd Infantry Division aligned and ready for inventory following loading operations on the USS Green Bay in Savannah, Georgia.

‘Baby Yoda’ and its 60-ton ilk are preparing to ship out for Defender Europe 20, the largest exercise of U.S.-based military forces to Europe since the end of the Cold War.

3rd Infantry Division conducts port operations in support of DEFENDER-Europe 20
(U.S. Army/Pfc. Daniel Alkana)

Given how popular Baby Yoda has become since the Disney+ series The Mandalorian first started airing last November, we are surprised it’s taken this long for an Army crew to name their tank after the wrinkled green future Jedi.

Here’s to you, Baby Yoda. May you fight long and hard alongside your brothers Chuck Norris, Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson, and ‘Dropped As A Baby.’