Paul O'Leary

Contributing Writer


  • Interests include running, cycling, literature, history, camping, hiking, photography, and travel. 
  • Expertise includes police tactics and procedures, investigative techniques, and interviews & interrogations. 
  • Prior publications include the Ranger Up Rhino Den, Unapologetically American, and Havok Journal. 


Fun Facts

A lifelong nerd, Paul began his interest in weapons by performing as actor and stunt fighter with the Royal Chessmen, a theatrical group that performed living chess games at Ren Faires and other sordid events,

He once traveled to Los Angeles to portray a zombie in an indie post-apocalypse comedy movie.,

As a police officer, he has been approached and offered assistance by Spiderman and Batman…in different cities.,

Paul believes the urban environment is equally as fascinating to explore and photograph as the wilderness environment.,

Paul O'Leary