Task & Purpose. News, culture, and analysis by and for the military community.

Smokeless tobacco is no healthier than smoking. It can cause oral, pancreatic and esophageal cancer along with white leathery patches inside of the mouth, stained teeth and bad breath. Naval Hospital Camp Lejeune's Tobacco Cessation Program provides individual counseling and classes to help those seeking to kick the habit. For more information call 451-3712. (Photo by Cpl. Paul Peterson) Culture

Farewell to the GWOT spitter

As nicotine packets like Zyn rapidly replace dipping tobacco in the ranks, the spitter bottles of GWOT — gross, simple, everywhere — are gone but not forgotten.


Army and Air Force sweep out DEI-coded programs

Army officials were instructed to remove diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility communications and trainings. The Air Force shuttered groups that targeted professional barriers faced by Black and Native airmen, women, and others.


Cancer rates in military pilots and other aviators could get a closer look

Previous studies military aviators have found higher rates of cancer than the general population. A new bill in Congress would further study what links those jobs with increased risk.


Army recruits hoping for cav scout or armor jobs will have to wait for boot camp

Army recruits hoping for a job in a tank or other mechanized armor will now be assigned during basic training, similar tor recruits in air defense and infantry roles.

Task & Purpose was founded in 2014 as a voice for the military community, and continues to serve that community with accurate reporting and great storytelling to this day.

Our journalists have reported on the front lines of the Standing Rock protests in North Dakota and the war in Afghanistan. We’ve uncovered American veterans being abused in Kuwaiti prisons, deported veterans being forced to work for Mexican cartels, and drawn national attention to a longstanding legal rule barring service members from suing the government — even in the face of gross negligence.

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