What Hiring Managers Look For In A Job Interview

The most important part of getting a job is nailing the job interview. This is the time to demonstrate your strengths as a viable candidate, your personality, and your overall commitment to the company. However, achieving these goals doesn’t come naturally; it requires a lot of preparation.

Here’s advice from six hiring managers with Hirepurpose companies on how you can win in any job interview.

“The interviewer may not have deep knowledge of the military and it’s very helpful for a candidate to periodically check for understanding. I’d also suggest using the resources that are available to you in preparation. For example, there are hundreds of veterans at Capital One who have volunteered to help in the recruiting process. In preparation for an interview, I can connect a military candidate with a veteran who is currently in the role they are interviewing for. They can help identify the parts of their military career that are the most applicable, which can be highlighted during the interview.”

“Do not prepare to interview, instead prepare to win the job — when given the opportunity, do the job during the interview.”

Related: 5 pieces of advice for veterans writing cover letters »

“First impression is everything. Dress to impress, have a mint already dissolved before the greeting, and maintain eye contact. Ask questions, and don’t repeat your resume bullets verbally; we already read your resume.”

“Be confident in your abilities to learn something new and different, and be excited about being a part of that company. Do your research to learn as much as possible, not only about the products and services, but the culture of the company to be able to show that you can fit in, and that your values match the company’s values.”

“Take the time to research the company beforehand and understand the business model, culture and what they value in their employees. There is plenty of information available online about most companies. Make the time before any conversation with a company representative to review this information and weave it into your story. It’s always a good idea to research various interview questions and practice your answers. You don’t want to recite your perfectly prepared answers word for word, but you want to able to articulate your answer in a logical and organized way.”

“A veteran’s ability to literally translate their transferable skills during an interview is critical. Lose the military jargon; learn and employ the industry language glossary and terminology because when you connect the dots between your relevant experience and the company’s specific hiring needs, you better our job interview success.”