COMIC: When You Join The Reserves For The ‘Benefits’

Every person who joins the active-duty military knows at the other end of their service is the promise of Veterans Affairs healthcare, which, let’s be honest, is hit or miss. But there are also those sweet, sweet education benefits, like the Post-9/11 GI Bill. However, for National Guardsmen and reservists, the same benefits are not always guaranteed thanks to some lovely people at Department of Defense who wanted to roll back spending benefits.

Last week, Stars and Stripes reported that under a little-known deployment code created by the Pentagon in 2014 — Title 10, section 12304b — involuntary-mobilized reservists do not receive credit for the GI Bill while they are activated.

“Mobilization authorities with benefits are expensive,” Susan Lukas, director of legislative and military policy at the Reserve Officers Association, told Stars and Stripes. “And the Pentagon did not have the money to offset the cost.”

Screwed by the bureaucracy again.

Task & Purpose comic by Matt Battaglia