Air Phallus One: Military Humor And The Sky Dong Of 2017

On a clear day in November, residents of Okanogan, Washington, turned their eyes to the heavens and gasped — some in wonder, many in fear — at an astonishing sight. The image was primitive. It was rudimentary. Some thought it looked like the tumescent male member and a pair of testes. Others thought it looked like a big dick and a figure 8. It soon transpired that the culprit was an EA-18G Growler from nearby Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, and before long the responsible aircrew was identified and disciplined for what the Navy called an “irresponsible and immature act.”

But is that the whole story?

In this very special, potentially NSFW edition of The Warzone, Task & Purpose’s Patrick Baker is joined by senior writer Adam Linehan and senior editor Adam Weinstein to discuss the most controversial contrails outside of an Infowars video, the venerable history of sophomoric chuckleheads dragging down the otherwise sterling image of the U.S. armed forces, and the fine line between humor and harassment. Patrick also dishes on the tradition of tiny-dick contests in the Marine Corps. In short, it’s a bunch of military guys talking about their junk. Plus: In our Gear Review, Adam Linehan raves about his brand new iPhone 8, which is already obsolete!

Download episode 22 of The Warzone – Air Phallus One, on iTunes. Also, subscribe so you never miss an episode.

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