We’re Being Sold A Certain Kind Of War Against ISIS

Lauren, Nate, and Weirick are back on Task & Purpose Radio after a short hiatus. Now that Serial is over, the podcast will address broader military and veterans issues every week.

On episode 16, the crew discusses the increase in troop numbers in Iraq and Syria and why the White House keeps denying, or at least refusing to say outright, that we have boots on the ground in combat.

Also, Nate and Weirick take Task & Purpose’s quiz, “Quiz: Which Of These 7 Infantry Guys Are You?”

Lauren interviews the podcast’s producer, Army vet Karl Morand.

And Weirick reads comments from our loyal fan base.

If you have questions for us, send them into editor@taskandpurpose.com. You can also record yourself asking your question, and we’ll incorporate it into the show and hopefully give you an answer.

Download episode 16, “The War We’re Being Sold In Iraq And Syria” on iTunes. Also, subscribe so you never miss an episode.

You can also listen to the podcast on Soundcloud.

Thanks to Perry & Co. for sponsoring the podcast. If you have a PCS coming up, check out MilitaryReloHelp.com for more information on making your move a little easier.