Marty Skovlund Jr.

Marty Skovlund Jr.

Former Editior-in-Chief


  • Conflict reporter who has gone on assignment to Afghanistan, Iraq, and Ukraine.
  • Author of of Violence of Action: The Untold Stories of the 75th Ranger Regiment in the War on Terror (2014) and Send Me (2024).
  • Award-winning filmmaker and former co-host of History Channel’s JFK Declassified: Tracking Oswald (2017).

Fun Facts

– My wife, our first daughter, our dog, and I once spent a year on the road, traveling the United States while living out of a van we renovated for, well, living out of.
– I was shot in Army basic training. No really, that actually happened.
– I’m strongly in favor of the Oxford comma.

Marty Skovlund Jr.

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