Task & Purpose Radio is back and this time, we’re featuring Patrick Baker and Adam Linehan as they dive into the best and worst movies of Hollywood every week. Welcome to The Warzone.
This week, Patrick and Adam review The Hurt Locker, the 2008 film that Roger Ebert gave four stars and that went on to win six Oscars. The film was written by American journalist Mark Boal based on his time embedded with U.S. troops in Iraq in 2004.
However….most service members who have seen the movie absolutely hate it. Adam, an Army veteran, and Patrick, a Marine vet, sit down to compare the film with their experiences overseas. Inspired, Adam comes up with his own creative rating system.
Download episode one of The Warzone, “The Warzone Episode 1: The Hurt Locker” on iTunes. Also, subscribe so you never miss an episode.
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