Watch Airport Travelers Stop To Sing ‘Star Spangled Banner’ To The Children Of Fallen Service Members

NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Travelers in Nashville International Airport came to a complete stop Saturday to sing to a plane full of children who lost their parents in combat.

Jen Tringale captured the beautiful act on video and shared it on her Facebook page.

She wrote that the children, who had all lost a parent in combat, were part of an all-expenses paid trip to Disney World. A party was being thrown for them at their gate. When it was announced over a loudspeaker and the children lined up to board the plane, “the whole airport literally stopped and sang with military present in salute.”

“Most every person standing around, myself included was bawling at the sight of these kids and spouses who have paid so great a price for our country,” Tringale went on. “To see all of this at Christmas time was so humbling. Seeing the general public in an airport stand still to honor these kids was simply beautiful.”

Her video has been viewed almost half a million times and was shared nearly 9,000 times.

The trip was apparently part of the annual Snowball Express hosted by the Gary Sinise Foundation. The foundation posted that this year 1,722 family members of fallen heros got to go to Disney World for a chance to heal and connect with other families.


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