I Found The Answer To Life After The Military In Helping Vets And Communities

Here’s number 9 in our contest about finding meaningful work after the military.

Nathan Bond writes:I found a job serving my fellow veterans. Thirty of the States and Territories have County Veteran Service Officers. Most states require that the position is held by a veteran. Here’s a website.

I also found my way to organizations that help veterans and help their communities. The American Legion, AMVETS, DAV, MOPH, and VFW, along with many other national Veteran Service Organizations can give a young man or woman leaving the service a great sense of meaning and belonging.

These organizations aren’t just about sitting around drinking beer and telling war stories (though much of that does happen). They are dedicated to improving their communities and the nation as a whole. They help veterans, but they also support schools, youth programs, and local emergency services.”