South Carolina Just Became One Of The Best States To Be A Veteran

As Washington politicians play games with veterans benefits, the governor of South Carolina, working with the S.C. National Guard and the Department of Employment and Workforce, has set into motion a new effort to find work for veterans in South Carolina.

“This is more than just a shaking of the hands and saying thank you. This is saying we’re going to help you. We’re going to lift you up. We’re going to do something better,” said Gov. Nikki Haley while announcing the program dubbed Operation Palmetto Employment, as reported by a local ABC affiliate covering the story.

National Guard veterans in the state experienced a peak unemployment rate of 16 % in 2011, a number that has dropped to 4 %. This new move will expand on the original program by connecting vets with local employers via a website for vets in the community.

But one has to wonder how the cuts taking place in Washington will affect this and other veteran employment programs across the country. Since these programs are vital when it comes to helping vets get back into the workplace – and since more and more vets are out of work and searching for jobs after leaving the military – proponents of these programs are eager to see what happens next.