Nobody knows firearms like a Marine Corps’ gunner, which is why the 2nd Marine Division’s top gun guru Chief Warrant Officer Christian P. Wade is back with another video. This time, the Camp Lejeune, North Carolina-based arms expert takes aim at common misconceptions about zeroing your rifle. It starts with using the right equipment, specifically a small-arms collimator and spotting scope which according to the video you can pick up from your unit’s armory (experiences may vary for E-4s and below.) Assuming you can get your hands on one, all you have to do is line it up the marker on the collimator with the chevron of your RCO in order to get a precise 100-meter zero in minutes, which means you can skip the typical 25-meter battlesight zero, or BZO process, and go straight to hitting black.
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“Proof-firing and precisely zeroing your rifle is one of the most critical prep for combat tests you must conduct,” Wade says, before dropping a few rounds center mass on a target. “Do not cross the line of departure without a solid proof fire at precise zero.”