The Air National Guard has a problem. No, not pilot retention or cockpit safety. This is hotter: A master sergeant reenlisted with a dinosaur puppet on her good swearing hand!

That now-viral video of Master Sgt. Robin Brown reupping with her little friend has caught the ire of the Guard’s top officer, Lt. Gen. Scott Rice. “Let me say, I’m equally shocked and dismayed by this event that mocks such a cherished and honorable occasion,” he said of the video on his Facebook page. “This action goes against our very foundation.”
Uhhhhhhhh. Maybe; maybe not, general. Even in my very banal, now-ancient service, I saw and heard about some goofy reenlistment ceremonies; I’m willing to bet you have, too, dear reader. So have a gander at our list of weird-ass oath-takings below, and add your own in the comments.
1. The stormtrooper
T&P; staff

Isn’t he a bit short for a stormtrooper? Somebody tell us the story behind this much-shared video. Looks like it could be the roof deck of Al Faw Palace in Baghdad, but we could really use the Force’s help on this one.
2. At gunpoint

“U.S. Army Special Forces soldier reenlisting in Tarin Kowt, Afghanistan,” allegedly.rebrn.com
I mean, everybody jokes about it. Nobody usually does it. Except, you know, with wedding and engagement photos.
3. In a GameStop

May as well. All your bonus money’s gonna go there, anyway.
4. Underwater

Lt. Cmdr. Jeffery Laubaugh administers the oath of enlistment to Chief Petty Officer Jared Pringle underwater in Guantanamo Bay, Jan. 14. Pringle is attached to Joint Task Force Guantanamo.U.S. Navy/Lt. j.g. Matthew Gray
Whether you want to literally take a dive when you take the dive, or you just want to be literally salty, this is always a good option. I can’t really believe this is okay and a dinosaur puppet isn’t.
5. With cool explosions

U.S. Air Force Capt. Joshua Tyler, left, re-enlists Staff Sgt. Andrew Petrulis, Explosive Ordnance Division craftsman, at Kandahar Airfield, Afghanistan, Oct. 27, 2008.U.S. Air Force/Staff Sgt. Samuel Morse
It makes sense if you’re an EOD. But frankly, I’ve known a couple of combat service support soldiers whose reenlistments should be attended by lots of explosions and shit breaking.
6. In a gas chamber
Embrace the suck. And the CS chemical agent!
At least it makes these things run quickly.
Got more suggestions? Tell us in the comments. Pics/video or it didn’t happen!