In just over four months from now, the rhythmic thud of boots pounding pavement will thunder gloriously from our nation’s capital as the mightiest military the world has ever known marches in celebration of its own existence. Meanwhile, across the pond, the proud people of France will bow their heads in shameful acknowledgement that President Donald Trump did indeed “top” the Bastille Day Parade — as he vowed to do — and America is number one.
The last time Washington D.C. hosted a grand military procession was just after the U.S. victory in operation Desert Storm, so we’re long overdue for an encore. The good news is that the parade is almost here. The bad news: we want it right now!
Unfortunately, there’s no cure for Military Parade fever. But we can mitigate the symptoms by obsessively consuming as much information about the event as possible until it finally occurs. Here’s the latest, according to NBC News:
- The parade was originally scheduled for Nov. 11 (Veterans Day) but nobody wanted to wait that long. It will now take place on Nov. 10.
- Trump ordered the Pentagon to start organizing the parade four months ago but planning didn’t get underway until last week.
- Tanks will not make an appearance at the parade. Apparently, the streets of Washington D.C. can’t handle them. This is bullshit.
- However, there will be wheeled vehicles, fighter jets, vintage aircraft, and Medal of Honor recipients. Some other stuff, too.
- The vehicles will be provided by military bases in the capital region, as will the troops. Keeping it local will reduce costs.
- There is currently no budget allotted for the parade.
- A senior U.S. official recently told NBC News that “there is only one person who wants this parade.” He was referring to Trump.
- Officials are recommending that the procession begin at Capitol, weave past the White House, and end at the National Mall.
- U.S. Army Military District of Washington will soon assume responsibility for the planning and execution of the event.
That should be enough to tide you over for now. Be sure to check in with Task & Purpose regularly for Military Parade news and analysis as the countdown continues.