Here at Task & Purpose, our aim is to offer an outlet for well-written analysis and commentary on veterans and greater military affairs. We firmly believe in the ethos that “our world views shrink as we see the same people talking about the same topics, again and again.”
In the last several weeks, this has taken the shape of a diverse set of viewpoints and opinions that we are proud to share with our readers. Task & Purpose has also received a striking amount of feedback from our readers via our website, Twitter , and the Hirepurpose Facebook page. This feedback has inspired a new series called “Counterpoint.” We’ll be giving our contributors a chance to publish responses to readers’ comments. Additionally, we encourage readers to write to us at editor@hirepurpo.se if you are interested in submitting a rebuttal response to any Task & Purpose stories. These rebuttals will also be included in “Counterpoint.”
We look forward to further empowering the voices of the next great generation of veterans.