This Marine Has A Date To The USMC Ball With Ronda Rousey

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Recently Marine Lance Cpl. Jarrod Haschert posted a video of himself asking his celebrity crush, Ultimate Fighting Championship star Ronda Rousey, to the Marine Corps 240th birthday ball. Well, he received an answer from Rousey in a video posted Sept. 1 by TMZ: an emphatic “Yes!”

The Marine Corps ball is an annual event celebrating the service’s founding on Nov. 10, 1775, and in recent years has involved Marines inviting their celebrity crushes, a tradition that Haschert seems happy to continue.

“When it happened, I didn’t know how to contain myself,” Haschert told Thomas Gibbons-Neff of The Washington Post. Haschert is stationed at Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune in North Carolina with 2nd Battalion, 8th Marines.

There is a catch though. Haschert has to find dates for Rousey’s friends, which shouldn’t be too hard.