US Forces In Syria Are On High Alert As Russia Starts Bombing Syrian Rebels

Russia has threatened to support Syrian Arab Army forces in retaking the country’s At Tanf province, home of a critical U.S. training garrison, as the Idlib offensive in the north-west of the embattled country kicks off.

At Tanf, which is near the Iraq-Jordanian border is home to a forward operating base used by coalition forces to fight ISIS and train Syrian rebels as part of Operation Inherent Resolve.

The garrison was also the sight of a series of clashes between U.S.-led coalition forces and militias loyal to the government of Bashar al-Assad during the summer of 2017, clashes that raised the possibility of an armed conflict between Russian, Iranian, and U.S. proxy forces in the region.


Read more on last year’s clashes at At Tanf:

  • Is The US-Led Coalition Creeping Toward Outright War With Syria?
  • US-Led Forces Bust Out Long-Range Artillery Against Pro-Regime Militias In Syria
  • US Fighter Jet Shoots Down Another Iranian Drone Threatening Coalition Troops In Syria