Tag: pcs

Here are 4 ways to manage your PCS expectations for when COVID is over

After months of nationwide lockdowns due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the United States is slowly starting to reopen and that means you can finally start getting ready for your next move. It is important to plan as much as possible so that your PCS experience doesn’t quickly turn into a nightmare. Here are four things to keep in mind with this next move.

How to help the kids cope with a pandemic PCS move

PCSing is about as much fun as a mandatory kickball event on a Saturday hosted by the company First Sergeant, and the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has created even more confusion for you and your kids. To help you and your family survive and thrive during these trying times, we’ve compiled some steps to better prepare them for a PCS move during the pandemic.

Moving to Camp Pendleton?

PCSing to coastal California is a dream assignment to some: beautiful weather, an abundance of things to see and do, and the Pacific ocean! And yes… there is also a higher cost of living than many areas you may have lived before. It means being stationed at the home of the 1st Marine Division, the oldest, largest and most decorated division in the United States Marine Corps. It’s a large installation, spanning more than one county, and can be a different experience for many military families. So let’s dive in and explore your new duty station, then head over to PCSgrades.com to see reviews for base housing, neighborhoods, and more!

How to prepare for a PCS move

When you first get PCS orders for a military move, a thousand questions start running through your mind. You don’t even know how to prepare for a PCS move. You look around and start asking, how are we going to move all this stuff? What about the car? And the pets? And the kids? And then there are all the big questions about your new duty station– what will it be like? Where will we live? Schools? Jobs? Ahhhh! No matter how many times you have moved before, a PCS move is stressful and can feel overwhelming.

7 incredible free services being offered during quarantine

As the coronavirus pandemic forces us to be stuck at home all day, it can feel a bit like you’re stuck in your own unfunny version of Groundhog Day. But being on lockdown doesn’t mean that you have to be weighed down by boredom, anxiety, and stress. You just need to make sure you’re making the most of your time and we’re here to help you with that.

Get everything ready for your VA Home Loan while on lockdown

So you have PCS orders and you were thinking about buying a home… but now COVID-19 and the DoD travel restrictions are ruining all your plans. These are certainly frustrating times, but the good news is that the current limitations are temporary. People with PCS orders will eventually move. Your family will still need a house to live in at your new location. So instead of looking at this like a huge roadblock, face it as an opportunity to spend some extra time getting things in order for your move.

Military students need to prepare for lockdown aftermath

The school year is coming to a close, and parents across the country are celebrating the end of the distance learning experiment. We are all looking forward to a more normal school year in the fall. But if your family is getting ready to PCS this summer, your student’s challenges are just beginning. If you thought managing their Zoom call schedule was difficult, wait until you try to transfer them to a new school district during a pandemic.

8 discounted services for the family to take advantage of during lockdown

In the midst of the COVID-19 crisis, it can be hard to feel like you’re making the most of your time. While we all love binging Netflix and sleeping in until noon, you probably find yourself wishing that you were being a bit more productive. Maybe you’ve thought about learning a new skill or getting started on a new career path but you’re not sure where or how to begin.

New changes to the VA Home Loan

The VA Loan is a benefit available to active duty and veterans when they are financing a home. This year, several key changes have made the VA Loan even more useful and beneficial for military families. We met with Bryan Bergjans of Caliber Home Loans to learn how these newest changes will impact families looking to PCS or buy a home in 2020. Bergjans is part of an initiative to educate veterans and industry professionals about this benefit, and in the past year Caliber has educated over 2 million people regarding the VA Home Loan Benefit.

What military kids say about PCS moves

The summer months bring vacations and time off from school for kids. But military kids often have other things happening over the summer months such as saying goodbye to friends or moving across the country (or world) during a military move. Social media is full of memes and images talking about how military brats will say goodbye to so many people in their lifetime and how resilient they are. Those of us who get to raise military kids know exactly how true this is, especially the resiliency part. PCS season is hard for the whole family, but how often do we hear from the kids involved?

Personal finance tips while awaiting PCS

In mid-March, the DoD put all permanent change of station (PCS) and temporary duty moves on hold due to the Coronavirus pandemic, leaving hundreds of thousands of military families in various stages of preparation for the annual PCS season in limbo until further notice. If you’re facing a delayed PCS, you’re likely also facing some personal finance questions related to your move. The good news is, there are many resources and tips available for families facing these unprecedented circumstances and the military community is always ready to support one another.

What to do when you’re waiting for PCS orders

Waiting on orders is frustrating. You know you are a ‘mover’ this year, but that’s all you know. You may not know where you’re going, or when. When your spouse attends a school, everyone is a mover. It’s not a question of “if” you will move this year, but “when.” This year, with the DoD delays because of Coronavirus, there is an even greater sense of uncertainty and insecurity. It’s difficult to prepare for a move when you don’t know where you are going. But there are things you can do now while you’re waiting to help your upcoming PCS go more smoothly.

Now that your PCS is on hold, here’s what you can do to be prepared when they finally say go

Are you one of the thousands of military families that are stuck in PCS limbo? The recent DoD stop order on military travel has affected many military families waiting to move or preparing for an upcoming PCS. Now that the stop order has been extended indefinitely, with constant reevaluation every 15 days, families may not know more than two weeks in advance when they will finally be allowed to move. If you have ever PCS’d before, you know that 15 days is not enough time to prepare for and execute a PCS move.