Kalashnikov’s new anti-drone rifle is … well, just look at it


Just two years after Russian defense contractor Zala Aero first unveiled REX-1 anti-drone system back in 2017, the Kalashnikov Concern subsidiary is back with an girthy update to its slick electronic rifle.

Presented at the Russian Defense Ministry’s Army 2019 International Military and Technical Forum in Moscow in late June, the new REX-2 offers additional electronic warfare capabilities in a lightweight (3 kg) package.

The REX-2 (Kalashnikov Concern photo)

The REX-2 comes with multiple radio and satellite navigation signal jamming modules capable of disrupting a range military and civilian communications from GPS to LTE, along with additional stroboscope and laser capabilities.

“The modular scheme allows arming the gun for specific missions,” Army Recognition reports. “The ‘quadcopter’ jams control channels and information transmission, the ‘satellite’ jams navigation systems, the ‘antenna’ blocks Wi-Fi and the ‘telephone’ – mobile communications. The frequencies can be tuned according to customer requirements.”

Cool. Cool cool cool. We now go live to the Zala Aero design offices:

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Jared Keller

Former Managing Editor

Jared Keller is the former managing editor of Task & Purpose. His writing has appeared in Aeon, the Los Angeles Review of Books, the New Republic, Pacific Standard, Smithsonian, and The Washington Post, among other publications.