Florida Town Offers ‘Super Hero’ Parking Spots For Veterans And First Responders

The city of Cocoa Beach, Florida, has found a new way to honor veterans and first responders — by designating “super hero” parking spots.

In Nov. 2015, local councilman and veteran Tyler Furbish proposed the idea to fellow veteran and city manager John Titkanich. Just a few days later, three of these spots were opened at City Hall, according to USA Today.

“We always need to honor our first responders and our veterans for what they have done and what they continue to do on a daily basis,” said Furbish. “ … I thought that’s just a great thing and we should do it.”

The spots are denoted by large signs that read “Super Hero Parking Only.” They are intended for use by active-duty service members, veterans, police officers, and firefighters.

“I would like to see it spread across the county,” Furbish said.

Although use of the space by super heroes exclusively can’t be enforced, the parking spaces have so far been successful, existing on an honor system.

Watch the Fox 35 coverage of the spots here.