Soldier Loses Mustache, Gets Depressed, Launches Crowdfunding Campaign To Buy Fallout 4

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In what is probably the greatest use of GoFundMe, an apparent Army explosive ordnance disposal technician named Tyler Anderson created a campaign on Dec. 3, titled “Broke Army EOD tech needs Fallout 4,” to raise $60 to buy the video game.

According to him, his “tyrant wife has not only forced me to shave my upper-lip best friend but now she will not allow me to purchase Fallout 4.”

Anderson goes on to explain that the video game — which came out Nov. 10 and costs roughly $60 — would dramatically improve his quality of life, and soothe his woes after shaving off his mustache by allowing him to “escape from my boring life for about 1 – 2 hours a night and to pursue my other passion.”

This “other passion” includes killing super mutants, feral dogs, robots, and annoying radioactive giant roaches. The post ends with a final plea and a well-placed emoticon.

“Please help :(”

Fortunately, it looks like he was able to exceed his goal with $75 being devoted to his campaign in just three hours. Unfortunately, it also looks like his post has been removed from GoFundMe. We suspect his wife found it.