The men and women who take the oath to service in the military do so knowing that they are putting their country before themselves. And a new report released this week by Got Your 6 shows how this commitment to service continues even after the military.
Researchers with the advocacy group found that on average, veterans spend more time volunteering in their communities and have higher rates of civic engagement than those who have never served in the military. For example, veterans volunteer an average of 160 hours a year, 25% more than non-veterans. Additionally, 18% of veterans belong to community service groups, three times the rate of non-veteran peers. The full report, which can be found here, concludes that:
Veterans make communities stronger. As such, it is important to frame veteran reintegration as an opportunity for our country. If Americans perceive veterans as the civic resources they truly are, veterans will more likely transition home successfully, and communities will reap greater benefits from those transitions.
We couldn’t agree more. The veterans who make up the Task & Purpose community — our contributing writers; those who we have been fortunate enough to profile; and those who contribute to the issues we cover through comments, feedback, and social media engagement — demonstrate this commitment by millennial veterans to holding their country, their peers, and themselves to a higher standard. This community embodies what make America so great.
Related: 11 things modern veterans contribute to the workplace »
To see some of the highlights found in the Got Your 6 report, check the infographic below, which shows how veterans are impacting their communities on a national scale.