This week on Task & Purpose Radio, the crew is joined by Kristofer Goldsmith, Army vet and assistant director of policy and government relations for Vietnam Veterans of America, to discuss how service members are getting pushed out of the military with less than honorable discharges due to PTSD or traumatic brain injury. Goldsmith was kicked out of the Army in August 2007 with a general discharge, which he is still fighting.
The show also discusses new policy signed on June 1 by Navy Secretary Ray Mabus addressing administrative discharges for service members with mental health issues. Under this policy, the Navy becomes the first of the services to put precedence on diagnosed mental health conditions over misconduct issues when determining the characterization of a Marine or sailor’s discharge.
For more information on less than honorable discharges, check out these Task & Purpose articles:
VA Is Denying Benefits To Vets With Bad Paper Discharges At Unprecedented Rates, Report Finds
This Soldier Stood Up To Sexual Harassment. Then She Was Kicked Out Of The Army
These Vets Stormed The Capitol To Fight For Service Members The Pentagon Left Behind
The Mental Health Care Bill For Vets That No One Is Talking About
If you have questions or feedback for Task & Purpose Radio, send it over to editor@taskandpurpose.com.
Download episode 20, “How Veterans Get Denied Their Benefits” on iTunes. Also, subscribe so you never miss an episode.
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A special thanks to Perry & Co. for sponsoring the podcast. If you have a move coming up, check out MilitaryReloHelp.com for more information on making your move a little easier.