Ah, the life of an enlisted Marine: Arrive at every formation 15 minutes prior to being 15 minutes prior, then wait for the commanding officer, who, nine times out of ten, isn’t there, especially for things like field day, weigh-ins, urinalysis, or vehicle inspections.
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Which often raises a question among junior enlisted: If I’m here, why isn’t anyone with any rank?It’s not like the commandant of the Marine Corps has to do this shit.
Why is Gen. Robert Neller, sitting in a second-lieutenant mobile? Maybe he bought it at 30% annual percentage rate of charge from the ocean-side dealership, and still hasn’t paid it off. The Marine Corps seems to think so:
Screenshot via Facebook

For that matter, do you think the sergeant major of the Marine Corps does a white-glove inspection of Neller’s room on Friday mornings? Look, we’re just asking questions here.