Gen. Mark Milley definitely has a tattoo and the mystery is killing me

"There’s a good story to it but we’re going to let the mystery live on for a little longer."
Haley Britzky Avatar
Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley listens before a meeting with Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz, at the Pentagon in Washington, Sept. 22, 2020.

There’s nothing like a good mystery to end the year with — and that’s what a photo of the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley has blessed us with this week.

On Monday, several military leaders received their novel coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines — including Milley. But a photo posted online immediately brought on speculation about something that had nothing to do with the novel coronavirus.

Immediately, one question came to mind: Is that a tattoo?

A closer look:

When asked about the tattoo, Col. Dave Butler, a spokesman for Milley, only infused the situation with more mystery and intrigue.

“There’s a good story to it but we’re going to let the mystery live on for a little longer,” Butler said.

As expected, there has been no shortage of speculation of what the tattoo actually is, ranging from “part of a wing” or “a signature,” to “a heart with Mother in it” or the logo of Wild Tiger, an energy drink from the Middle East.

No matter what the tattoo is, my interest has officially moved from the “hmm this could be fun” camp, to “I will not rest until I have the backstory to this tattoo.”

If you have said backstory, you know where to find me.

If you know what Gen. Milley’s tattoo is, please reach out to or

Feature Image: Joint Chiefs Chairman Gen. Mark Milley listens before a meeting with Secretary of Defense Mark Esper and Israeli Defense Minister Benny Gantz, at the Pentagon in Washington, Sept. 22, 2020. (Photo: AP/Alex Brandon)