Drop everything and watch this adorable video of two kids leaving messages for their deployed dad

I am an emotional wreck


Folks, I have been emotionally wrecked. And no, it wasn’t from this week’s episode of This Is Us

A video from 2019 that circulated on Twitter on Tuesday night shows two kids recording messages for their deployed dad on their Ring doorbell, and it will warm even the coldest of hearts. 

The two adorable kiddos — identified by Ring last year as 5-year-old Petroula and 7-year-old Zerick — go back and forth sharing things happening in their day with their dad, Army Maj. Peter DeCrans, who was deployed to Kuwait at the time. 

The messages are full of “I miss you” and “I love you” and the updates that their dad simply has to know. 

“Dad, I graduated from riding my bike now,” Zerick says excitedly in one clip. “All I need for help is to push, then I’m all going by myself! With NO training wheels, dad! How cool is that?!”

I dare you — nay, I double-dog dare you to watch this and not cry your eyes out.

In a video posted by Ring, DeCrans calls the sweet messages the “highlight” of his day. And I can say honestly that it was the highlight of mine as well.