When Presidential Pets Attack, And Other Signs The World Is Ending This Week


The wolf will lie down with the lamb, the monkey will do god knows what with the deer, and the Portuguese water dog will get you angry comments on Breitbart. You can be forgiven for feeling apocalyptic vibes these days.

Which is why Task & Purpose offers you this at-a-glance Friday roundup of the good, the bad, and the deeply fucked up in recent military and diplomatic news… plus a few pop-culture signs of Armageddon. Lock and load!

  • The largest U.S. military brigade in Europe since the USSR’s fall landed in Germany this week — 3,500 troops and 2,500 vehicles fanning out across Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, and the Baltic states. The move is intended to aid NATO allies, check Russian adventurism, and remind everyone how badass the Eighties were.

  • Iranian lawmakers voted this week to boost military spending, also expanding the nation’s controversial ballistic missile program. That vote came the day after a U.S. destroyer fired warning shots at a group of approaching Iranian small boats. The president-elect has said that if such maritime harassment happens on his watch, Iran’s boats “will be shot out of the water.”
  • Abdul Ali Shamsi, a young Kandahar deputy governor who was restoring many Afghans’ faith in government, was among 11 people killed in by bombers on Tuesday. It was the last of three bombing attacks across Afghanistan Tuesday that killed as many as 60.