Veterans Day is on the horizon, and you know what that means: time for some good, old fashioned introspection… or a few shots. Your call.
In either case, you’re out now, wizened by time and experience, but let’s take a moment to celebrate that time way back when you were just a dumb boot. And what better way to do it than to send us your cringiest, most awkward, most motivated photos from when you were in.
Some ideas to get you started: Photos documenting that time you got a ‘No Regerts’ or “Uncle Slams Misguided Childrn” tat at the off-base parlor; or that time you and your buddies tried to ride a floor buffer; or that weeklong stint immediately after boot camp or basic when you constantly stood at parade rest, tucked your dog tags into your sneakers and wore your issued cammie backpack out in town. You know, boot stuff.
And if you’re shy about sharing these pics, don’t be. You’re not alone: look no further than Task & Purpose’s very own editor-in-chief Paul Szoldra:
Send your photos to jared@taskandpurpose.com with ‘Dumb Boot’ in the subject line and we’ll select our favorites for publication. In the meantime, thank you for your photos — and your service.
Related: This year’s Marine Corps birthday video is a who’s who of service heroes