Tag: general mattis

Yes, this photo of Mattis modeling a leather jacket is very real

Someone get Tyra Banks on the phone ASAP — we’ve found America’s next top model, and he’s bringing knife hands to a runway near you. An old photo that made the rounds online on Tuesday showed none other than former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis modeling a black leather jacket. If you’re like me, your immediate […]

Mattis: I’m not part of The Resistance

Former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis insisted on Wednesday that he is not part of the so-called “Resistance” inside the Trump administration that is apparently working in secret to slow-roll or stop parts of The White House agenda. Whoo! That’s a relief. In an interview Wednesday on Morning Joe, Mattis was asked about the infamous op-ed […]

Trump’s ‘red flags’ on Mattis included ‘controversial statements’ and alleged leniency on war crimes

President Donald Trump may have loved to call former Secretary of Defense James Mattis by his much-loathed “Mad Dog” nickname, but his own transition team had concerns regarding the former Marine general's infamous battlefield missives and his lackluster handling of alleged war crimes committed by U.S. service members