Meet the new Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle


The next generation infantry fighting vehicle is the replacement for the M2 Bradley and possibly even the 8-wheeled Stryker. This new vehicle will go down in military history as one of the biggest upgrades ever. It is also known as the “Optionally Manned Fighting Vehicle” which hints towards drone warfare. In this video, we’ll walk through all the new specifications, armament and the types of tactics employed.

The ground combat vehicle prototype weighs in at 53 tons, which is twice the weight of the Bradley, but it’s capable of carrying a whole squad of nine dismounted troops. The OMFV will have the added ability to engage targets high in the sky or low down below the ground, and it will pack a way harder punch with a 50mm or possibly 40mm autocannon instead of the Bradley’s 25mm. Yes, you read that correctly, we’re talking about a massive 50mm sized autocannon.

One of the coolest features of the OMFV is the Trophy active protection system. It detects incoming RPGs and missiles and dynamically calculates their flight path, then shoots them down in mid air. If you’ve ever been assigned as the Quick Reaction Force element on deployment, you understand how important speed is, especially when there is an IED attack two miles away – You need a vehicle that can get you there and dismounted quickly.

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This video is sponsored by the Purdue Cyber Apprenticeship Program.