- Another Navy admiral got dinged in the Fat Leonard scandal. Graft and lying to investigators, yep. He had retired and gone to work for awhile on the staff of the Senate Armed Services Committee and was up for a job in USAID, which isn’t going to happen now.
- Elsewhere in the Navy, the skipper of Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron 70 (“The Spartans”) was removed on a “negative culture” rap. But then the Spartans themselves had a pretty negative culture.
- One submarine skipper, 10 Filipino hookers. You do the math.
- And the guy running Navy recruiting in Michigan got fired.
- Bad (Navy)Lieutenant!
Meanwhile, in the air:
- An Air Force colonel at NORAD was charged with sexual assault.
- Awhile back, the Air Force canned the commander of a B-52 squadron, the fighting Sixty-Niners, apparently for some connection with penis drawings. Personally, I think having to live in North Dakota was punishment enough.