Tag: southern command

Coast Guard Cutter Munro crew interdicts suspected drug smuggling vessel

U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Munro (WMSL 755) crew members board a self-propelled semi-submersible suspected drug smuggling vessel (SPSS) June 18, 2019, while operating in international waters of the Eastern Pacific Ocean. Purpose-build smuggling vessels like SPSSs are designed to hold large quantities of contraband while evading detection by law enforcement authorities. U.S. Coast Guard video

Navy destroyer sails near Venezuelan coast in clear message to Maduro regime

CARACAS (Reuters) – A U.S. Navy ship navigated near the Venezuelan coast on Tuesday in what the U.S. military’s Southern Command called a “freedom of navigation operation,” a day after a cargo ship from U.S. foe Iran docked at a port of the South American country. In a post on its website, the Southern Command […]

The Army is sending an SFAB to Colombia to help fight drug trafficking

BOGOTA (Reuters) – A U.S. Army unit will arrive in Colombia in the coming days to help the Andean country’s armed forces fight against drug trafficking for a four-month period, the U.S. embassy in Bogota said on Wednesday. The Security Force Assistance Brigade (SFAB) will arrive in Colombia in early June, the embassy said, without […]

Meet the Army Special Forces vets behind that botched coup attempt in Venezuela

Details have begun to emerge about the trio of U.S. military veterans behind an alleged attempt to overthrow Venezuela’s president. Army veterans Airan Berry and Luke Denman were arrested by Venezuelan authorities alongside 11 armed “mercenaries” on Monday amid a failed armed incursion into the country orchestrated by Jordan Goudreau, another Army vet and the head […]

Feds say former sergeant posed as a Marine officer to help a friend bring guns into Haiti

Two federal law enforcement agencies are investigating whether a former enlisted Marine pretended to be an officer to help an active duty infantryman smuggle arms into Haiti, according to court filings viewed by Task & Purpose. Marine Sgt. Jacques Yves Sebastien Duroseau was detained by local police in Haiti after he landed at the international […]

Semper High: Marine charged in alleged Mexican smuggling ring was also allegedly slinging LSD on base

Thirteen Marines stationed at Camp Pendleton, California who were arrested in July for their alleged involvement in human smuggling at the U.S. Mexico border were recently charged with a litany of offenses, including "transporting and/or conspiring to transport undocumented immigrants," stealing smoke grenades, perjury, and failure to obey an order." But one charge, leveled at a Marine lance corporal, stands out: the distribution of LSD on base

Ex-SOUTHCOM commanders: Cutting aid to Central America will only make border problem ‘more costly’

Five former commanders of U.S. Southern Command have warned in an open letter that cutting aid to Central America will only make matters worse on America’s southern border. “As former Commanders of U.S. Southern Command, we have seen firsthand that the challenges in the region cannot be solved by the military alone but require strengthening […]