Tag: nazi

Marine Corps Opens Investigation Into Nazi-Loving Lance Corporal

The Marine Corps has officially launched an investigation into a lance corporal who apparently attacked a protester at the Charlottesville “Unite The Right” rally while marching with white supremacist groups. “The Commandant is aware of the allegations against the Marine and there is an investigation underway,” said Lt. Col. Eric Dent, a spokesman for Gen. […]

The German Army Is Battling Stolen Guns, False Flag Plots, And Nazi Extremism Within Its Ranks

Gear accountability: There’s a reason it’s pounded into a service member’s head from day one at boot camp. You’re being handed a perfect killing tool, its destructive power utterly dependent on whoever squeezes the trigger. And that’s the thing about your weapon: when someone jacks it from, let’s say an armored vehicle at a German […]