There’s no doubt that military photos are cool. They provide insight into military life, document history, and make for some great desktop backgrounds. But getting the best and most unique pictures isn’t always as simple as a Google search. Fortunately, the rise of Instagram as the premier platform for sharing images has enabled vets, active-duty service members, and enthusiasts to post and share their own photos. Here’s a few of the best military-related Instagram accounts.
A combat correspondent in the Marine Corps, Callahan’s page has photos from across the spectrum of military life. From Recon Marines, firefighters, and AH-1 Cobra gunships, to experimental robots, Australian troops, and gas mask training, Callahan posts plenty of unique photos. He’s got some video content that’s worth checking out, too.
2. Military_History If you’re a “Throwback Thursday” fan, then check out this page. Focused on historical military images, there’s a ton of varied photos here. From the Civil War to the War on Terror, military_history provides snapshots of history, such as this one of Elvis Presley being sworn in as an Army draftee in 1958. If you want iconic imagery, give it a look.
A charity organization focused on Naval Special Warfare personnel, SEAL Future Fund has an impressive presence on Instagram. With dozens of unique photos of SEALs on deployment, there’s plenty to see. For anyone obsessed with high-speed gear, the page offers some great training photos of SEAL weapons and equipment. Also, check out the SEAL version of a dog picture.
If you’re a fan of Mat Best’s YouTube shenanigans, then you’ll probably love what’s on his Instagram account. Under the banner of his company, Article 15 Clothing, Best and his compatriots are maintaining the same brand brash humor that got them to the top of internet military comedy. There’s also some cool extras, like behind the scenes photos from video shoots, range pictures, and some of Mat’s photos from his days serving in the 2nd Ranger Battalion.
It’d be pretty hard to leave Dan Bilzerian off this list. The erstwhile SEAL trainee turned professional poker player made a huge splash in 2013 when his Instagram page became famous. Blizerian’s raucous lifestyle is on display, and as such, his account is definitely not safe for work. And as the above photo shows, Bilzerian isn’t shy about showing off his guns.