Whoopi Did Not Say ‘Military Widows Love Their 15 Minutes In the Spotlight’

A news story partnered with a meme is circulating across the internet, alleging that Oscar-winning actress and “The View” host Whoopi Goldberg criticized Carryn Owens — the widow of slain Navy SEAL William “Ryan” Owens who attended President Donald Trump’s joint address to Congress on Feb. 28 — for seeking publicity.

The Underground Report, which boasts the slogan “Real news you won’t get from the mainstream media,” quoted Goldberg as saying, “She was just looking for attention. These military widows love their 15 minutes in the spotlight.”


Atrocious, if true. But Goldberg never said that.

The site did not provide any documentation that Goldberg actually made this comment, but a composite of Goldberg and Owens has nonetheless gone viral, circulating across a number of blogs, Twitter accounts, and Instagram accounts.

Goldberg and the other women of “The View” discussed Owens during an episode that aired March 1, but no one said she attended Trump’s speech to get “15 minutes in the spotlight.”

Goldberg’s co-host Jedediah Bila criticized Trump for using Owens as political prop. Goldberg agreed, adding that it is sometimes important to put a face on tragedies, instead citing another catastrophe, the Sandy Hook shooting.

You can watch the entire video below.