We salute the airman who just made Air Force PT gear sexy

The video proves that sex appeal isn't about the clothes you wear, it's how you wear them.
David Roza Avatar
An anonymous airman showed us all that it's not the outfit that's sexy, it's the attitude.

“Militarized male bodies, submissive to the state, are rewarded with the sort of sex appeal that only massive symbolic power can bestow,” wrote Professor Jesse Paul Crane-Seeber in a 2016 essay titled Sexy warriors: The politics and pleasures of submission to the state.

Well, a new video lighting up the Air Force subreddit proves him absolutely right.

In the video, an anonymous airman jams out to the 2004 banger Call on Me while rocking wraparound shades, a Casio digital watch (popular at Basic Military Training), white New Balance sneakers and, most importantly, the swishy 90s-style windbreaker and track pants that are standard issue workout gear in the U.S. Air Force.

If you think that outfit sounds unattractive, then you haven’t seen this video, where the airman’s style compliments what can only be described as a fierce sexual energy that Air Force redditors ate up on Monday, showering the post with more than 2,400 upvotes and hundreds of praising comments.

“If Big Blue were smart this would air unedited as the next major AF recruiting ad,” wrote one user.

“Possibly my favorite thing I’ve ever seen on this subreddit or even in the Air Force in general,” wrote another.

No fewer than three Redditors responded with “This guy f**ks.”

One airman said they might even re-up after watching the video.

“Brb re-enlisting after this,” they wrote.

The video proves that sex appeal isn’t about the clothes you wear, it’s how you wear them. Best of all, this isn’t his only master class on the subject. On Instagram and TikTok, he can be seen showing off his pasty legs, pouring milk on himself in a parking lot, and whipping around a tan Mercury sedan that must be at least as old as him.

In summary: it’s a giant thirst trap, and fans are here for it.


“Hands down the best thing the air force has ever done for this country,” wrote one Instagram user.

“Bro bring my gf back, it’s not funny anymore,” wrote another.

10/10, promote ahead of peers.

Related: We salute the airmen who went full Ricky Bobby on the flight line in Saudi Arabia