The Navy Just Altered Its Ball Cap Regulations

During a June 6 all-hands meeting at Naval Air Station North Island in San Diego, California, an officer asked if female sailors could start wearing their hair buns through the hole in the back of their ball caps. And in a short video posted to his Facebook page, the chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson said yes — effective immediately:

“We took a quick poll right there in the audience, and there was nobody who objected to changing that right on the spot,” Richardson said. “I came back and asked the Chief of Naval Personnel and, effective immediately, you can now wear the cap with the bun through the hole in the back, above the strap.”

Previously, buns were required to be below the ballcap strap at the base of the neck.

“I think this will be a lot more comfortable, and it will look a lot better,” Richardson said.

The Navy and command ballcaps are typically worn with the Navy working uniform, flight suits, coveralls, and the physical training uniform.