This NASA-Engineered Super Soaker Could Probably Kill You

You can make a squirt gun out of almost any piece of random junk lying around your house, but Mark Rober, a former NASA engineer who worked on the Curiosity Rover, takes his tinkering to a whole other level.

Do you remember hearing about the most powerful Nerf Gun last summer? That was his. This year though, he added the water works to create the world’s largest Super Soaker. The Guinness World-Record setting firearm is a whopping seven feet long and blasts water at 272 miles per hour.

After consulting with Lonnie Johnson, engineer of the original Super Soaker, Rober and Bob Clagett from the YouTube channel “I Like To Make Stuff” spent six months constructing the behemoth water cannon, which is so powerful it can shatter glass, blow up a soda can, and split a watermelon in half.

The water gun is pressurized at 2,400 pounds per square inch, which, according to Rober is “eight times the pressure of a fire truck hose.”

In hindsight, he added, “[It’s] probably overkill.”

Rober was also kind enough to throw in a Dropbox link with all the instructions for you to build you own weapon of watery destruction. Rober says he used his on his friends and family, but perhaps it would be better suited for the remaining detainees in Gitmo?

**Task & Purpose does not condone the use of waterboarding.**