UN Members Laugh After Trump Claims He’s Accomplished More Than ‘Almost Any Administration In History’


Members of the United Nations laughed during President Donald Trump’s speech to the General Assembly after he claimed that his White House had accomplished “almost more than any administration in the history” of the United States.

The non-laugh line and the amusement from the audience that followed knocked Trump off from his prepared text, before he improvised: “So true. Didn’t expect that reaction but that’s okay.”

Watch below:

Besides that unsettling moment, the president emphasized his “America First” agenda in the roughly 40-minute speech. He mentioned his “tremendous progress” with North Korea’s Kim Jong-un, while criticizing Iran as sowing “chaos, death, and destruction” outside its borders.

“We are standing up for America and the American people and we are also standing up for the world,” he said.

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Paul Szoldra


Paul Szoldra was the Editor in Chief of Task & Purpose from October 2018 until August 2022. Since joining T&P, he has led a talented team of writers, editors, and creators who produce military journalism reaching millions of readers each month. He also founded and edits Duffel Blog, an influential satirical newsletter for the military.