Social media can be a dark and frustrating place. The trolls, the bad-faith arguments, the snarky comments — sometimes it feels like there aren’t enough funny memes and dog videos in the world to offset all the snarky comments!
Well, Lt. Gen. Ted Martin, the deputy commanding general of Army Training and Doctrine Command (TRADOC), understands your pain.
“This is how it goes in my dreams when I read snarky comments on my twitter feed…” Martin tweeted on Wednesday, introducing a hilarious video of what all of us have wished we could do at one point or another.
“I got another snarky comment,” Martin tells a member of his staff after calling him into his office. “Can you get ahold of [Army Cyber]? I need to find out about @jackwagon. I don’t know who that is.”
I don’t know who gave General Officer Twitter permission to be this relatable, but I’m here for it. And sir, if those Rangers have a moment, I can think of a couple of trolls I wouldn’t mind them speaking to…