Chief of Naval Operations quarantined; head of National Guard tests positive for COVID-19

Neither Gilday nor Lengyel attended a meeting at the White House on Saturday with President Donald Trump and senior military leaders.


Two senior military leaders have been touched by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

Chief of Naval Operations Adm. Mike Gilday will be quarantined for one week after coming into contact with a relative who is sickened with the coronavirus, a Defense Department spokesman said on Sunday.

Gilday has tested negative for the coronavirus, the spokesman said.

Separately, Air Force Gen. Joseph Lengyel, head of the National Guard Bureau, has tested positive for the coronavirus, the Defense Department spokesman said.

Lengyel tested negative for COVID-19 on Sunday and will have a third test on Monday to confirm that he does not have the disease.

Neither Gilday nor Lengyel attended a meeting at the White House on Saturday with the president and senior military leaders.

Reuters reporter Idress Ali first revealed on Sunday that Gilday was in quarantine and Lengyel had initially tested positive for COVID-19.

Read the Defense Department spokesman’s entire statement below:

“The CNO Admiral Gilday had contact with a COVID positive family member and, although testing negative, will be quarantining this week. The Chief of the National Guard Bureau General Lengyel tested positive for COVID Saturday afternoon but a subsequent test Saturday was negative. He will undergo a third test on Monday morning to confirm his negative status.”