A soldier asked Reddit what kind of ammo this is. The responses were alarmingly consistent

The U.S. Army is one of the mightiest fighting forces in the history of mankind. It's also populated, at least in the enlisted ranks, by a bunch of 20-somethings who hold both millions in high-tech equipment and power over life and death in their hands

The U.S. Army is one of the mightiest fighting forces in the history of mankind. It’s also populated, at least in the enlisted ranks, by a bunch of 20-somethings who hold both millions in high-tech equipment and power over life and death in their hands.

So naturally, when someone asks a question of our fighting men and women, the answer tends to be elegant in its uniformity: the best way to get an answer is to put something up your butt.

Case in point: this recent Reddit thread in the r/army subreddit that made me, a nasty civilian with the maturity of a toddler, laugh until I soiled myself.

Does anyone know what these are? Found them out by Hohenfels from r/army

This is an innocent question right? I mean, as a reporter, I frequently ask for help identifying ammo and munitions I’m not familiar with.

Wrong, fuck-o. Wrong:

This photo has a 119 comments, the vast majority of which are butt-related.

In other, totally unrelated news, the Army actually hit its recruitment goals this year amid a rising number of drug and alcohol waivers issued to potential soldiers. Here’s a bit of friendly advice: