The Army Just Announced 2 Big Uniform Changes


The U.S. Army has authorized two new uniform changes for both male and female soldiers effective immediately, according to separatememos issued by Deputy Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. James McConville.

Soldiers who have earned multiple identification badges can now move one to the opposite side of the Army Combat Uniform rather than wear two on one sleeve. These include: The Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Badge, the Military Horseman Badge, the Drill Sergeant Badge, the Army or Army Reserve Recruiter Badge, the Career Counselor Badge, the Army National Guard Recruiter Badge, and the Instructor Badge.

According to a May 15 memo from McConville, soldiers are still limited to two total badges on the ACU. We get it: Symmetry is important.

In a separate memo dated May 8, female soldiers are authorized to eschew the traditional knee-length skirt and wear slacks or a skirt with their Army Service Uniform during social occasions.

Time will tell if the Army will move forward with the next frontier in gender integration: nail polish.

“I’m having trouble getting a consensus on it,” Sgt. Maj. of the Army Dan Dailey told Army Times, adding that it “shouldn’t be a problem” in the future.

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Jared Keller

Former Managing Editor

Jared Keller is the former managing editor of Task & Purpose. His writing has appeared in Aeon, the Los Angeles Review of Books, the New Republic, Pacific Standard, Smithsonian, and The Washington Post, among other publications.