Tag: space command

Taliban fighters are reportedly using anti-tank missiles to down Afghan helicopters

Taliban fighters are increasingly targeting Afghan security forces with foreign-made anti-tank missiles, the New York Times reports, an alarming jump in firepower for the militant group that casts a shadow over Afghanistan’s fragile security situation. Twice this year, Taliban militants have downed Afghan National Defense and Security Forces helicopters in Afghanistan’s Helmand province with anti-tank […]

It’s official: the Space Force is here to bring freedom and liberty to the stars

The National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2020 officially agreed upon by key lawmakers in the House and Senate would officially establish the U.S. Space Force as the sixth branch of the U.S. armed forces. The leaders of the House and Senate Armed Services Committees unveiled their $738 billion conference agreement for the 2020 […]

The Truth About The Space Force Is Out There

Matt Damon can finally breathe easy: When he inevitably finds himself stranded on some barren planet, the U.S. military can deploy the brand new Space Force to rescue him. President Trump warned on Monday that adversaries such as China have already begun weaponizing space and are developing technologies to blind U.S. satellites and jam battlefield […]

No, A Huge Meteor Did Not Threaten A US Base With Destruction

On July 25th, a fireball graced the skies over icy Greenland near Thule Air Force Base, the U.S. Air Force’s northernmost base and a key to its aerospace defense strategy. The meteor released 2.1 kilotons of energy over a installation designed to detect nuclear missile launches, which led to a predictable media freakout; Fox News […]

Trump Just Proposed A ‘Space Force’ That His Generals Definitely Don’t Want

President Donald Trump conquered American politics. Now, he’s eyeing outer space. Speaking to service members at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar in California on Tuesday, the commander-in-chief appeared to propose the creation of an independent branch of the U.S. armed forces, on par with the Army and Navy. “Space is a war-fighting domain just like the […]