Chelsea Manning is headed back to jail

Former Army intelligence analyst turned whistleblower Chelsea Manning has been ordered imprisoned until she testifies before a grand jury as part of an investigation into Wikileaks, a federal judge ruled on Friday.
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Former Army intelligence analyst turned whistleblower Chelsea Manning has been ordered jailed until she testifies before a grand jury as part of an investigation into Wikileaks, a federal judge ruled on Friday.

  • The Washington Post reported that Manning was held in contempt by Judge Claude M. Hilton, who ordered the former soldier to surrender herself to law enforcement immediately “either until you purge yourself or the end of the life of the grand jury.”
  • In January, Manning received a subpoena from the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia “believed to be” regarding the investigation into Wikileaks founder Julian Assange initiated in 2010, the New York Daily News reports.
  • Manning was sentenced to 35 years in prison for leaking State Department documents and a graphic video of a U.S. helicopter firing on civilians in 2010, serving seven years before her sentence was commuted by President Barack Obama.
  • “In solidarity with many activists facing the odds, I will stand by my principles,” Manning said on Wednesday of her refusal to testify. “My legal team continues to challenge the secrecy of these proceedings, and I am prepared to face the consequences of my refusal.”

SEE ALSO: Chelsea Manning Tried To Visit Canada. It Didn’t Go Well