Watch Egyptian soldiers perform bizarre feats of strength in a batsh*t insane sizzle reel


When service members complain that a military career involves jumping through a lot of hoops, this probably isn’t what they had in mind.

Ahead of the anniversary of Egypt’s 1952 revolution, Egyptian Armed Forces spokesman Brig. Gen. Mohamed Samir Abdel Aziz Ghonim on July 22
dropped a four-minute montage of Egyptian service members engaged in a series of intense exercises.

Most of the reel is standard military boosterism, with interviews with Egyptian service members and their families, some impressive weapons demonstrations, and a handful of appearances from current Egyptian President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi. But in between the pull-ups and drilling are some surprising (and likely useless) displays of martial virility.

Let’s take a gander, shall we?

Tactical flexing

Tactical fire jumping

Tactical gymnastics


Tactical bike riding?

Yeah, it’s a little weird! But it still beats the hell out of
Ghana’s last military expo.