Ever wonder why Vladimir Putin rides a horse shirtless, what the nuclear launch codes are, or what negotiations between the U.S. military and a North Korean ambassador might look like? Late-night talk show host Seth Meyers went and found out.
On Oct. 13, the “Late Night With Seth Meyers” host joined Secretary of Defense Ashton Carter for a tour of the Pentagon, where he learned a few things very quickly. First, if you ask a Marine, a soldier, an airman, and a sailor what branch is their least favorite, the emphatic answer will always be the Coast Guard. Second, at the Pentagon, anything is dramatic if delivered in a file, even a lunch order.
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In the video, Carter and Meyers tour the Pentagon, prank call President Barack Obama, and spend time admiring the portraits that line the halls, including Carter’s, which he definitely posed for.
Meyers even took time to check out the department’s impressive collection of artifacts, like Osama bin Laden’s collection of pogs, one of the most extensive and diverse in the world, and Adolph Hitler’s mustache, which is “neincentimeters long,” Meyers quips in the video.
Check out the full clip below.