Trump calls for ‘retribution’ against NBC because Saturday Night Live was mean to him again

President Donald Trump said that "retribution" should be "looked into" after this week's opening skit of Saturday Night Live featured Alec Baldwin being mean to him again.
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President Donald Trump said that “retribution” should be “looked into” after this week’s opening skit of Saturday Night Live featured Alec Baldwin being mean to him again.

This weekend’s cold open to the show satirized Trump’s press conference on Friday, in which he said he’d declare a national emergency and take funds appropriated to the Defense Department for military construction projects to build his wall, since “some of the generals” thought it was “more important,” he said.

Trump on Friday also launched into a strange sing-song way of outlining the potential next steps of his declaration of a national emergency, saying, “We will then be sued, and they will sue us in the 9th Circuit, even though it shouldn’t be there, and we will possibly get a bad ruling, and then we’ll get another bad ruling, and then we’ll end up in the Supreme Court, and hopefully we’ll get a fair shake, and hopefully we’ll win in the Supreme Court, just like the ban.”

In the SNL skit, Baldwin — who has played Trump on the show often — recreated the setting of the Friday press conference while chiding the president, which is, you know, what SNL has done to every commander-in-chief.

“Let’s cut to the chase. Folks: We. Need. Wall. Okay,” Baldwin said in the skit. “We have a tremendous amount of drugs flowing into this country from the southern border, or the brown line, as many people have asked me not to call it.”

He continued:

“I’m basically taking military money so I can has wall. So I’m going to sign these papers for emergency, then I’ll immediately be sued, and then the ruling will not go in my favor, and then it’ll end up in the Supreme Court, and then I’ll call my buddy Kavanaugh, and I’ll say ‘it’s time to repay the Donnie,’ and he’ll say, ‘new phone, who dis?'”

“And then the Mueller report will be released, crumbling my house of cards, and I can just plead insanity, do a few months in the puzzle factory, and my personal hell of playing president will finally be over.”

Trump did not find the skit funny, according to his tweet highlighting the skit, which led just about everyone on internet to go out and watch it. He also called it “the real collusion,” whatever the hell that means.

So here it is:

Trump Press Conference Cold Open – SNL